Between the Covers: Stories from My Bookcase

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Circle of Friends (Movie Adaptation, 1995)

I don't know. Sometimes it seems like such a strange sort of thing to want to do. You know, ridiculous. Like someone putting their finger up your nose or something. – Benny Hogan

One time, Benny and her new guy friend Jack were talking and talking until they got to the subject of sex. That up there is what Benny had to say about it. Smile

I read the book Circle of Friends by Maeve Binchy back in 2008. It was among my travel essentials when we went on vacation to Bohol. Wow. That was almost four years ago.

When I blogged about the book, one of my readers mentioned having seen the movie version starring Minnie Driver and Chris O’Donnell. I knew about the movie because the tattered copy I got featured the two stars on the cover (they looked so young). Come to think of it, I think that cover was from the scene the quote was spoken. It was nice to hear from someone who actually got to see the movie.

Since then, I’d been on the lookout for DVDs or VCDs of the film. I couldn’t find any. I also didn’t find it online. Until last week.

Someone uploaded the film, in 7 parts, on Youtube. Thank you, someone.


Source: via Vera on Pinterest


Yes I watched it. I watched it while I blogged about other things or read other blogs. I watched and watched and watched until it finished. Knockglen came to life. The girls and the gang, they were just as I imagined. Knockglen was a little different, but Eve’s cottage – love it. I think it was a bit more pretty in my head though, kinda like the tiny houses I’ve Pinned lately.

Now that Sean Walsh character, I don’t really remember him from the book although he must have been there. He was really annoying. For a bit there I imagined him with his cao cigars sitting in his matchbox of a room above Hogan’s and plotting his evil schemes. Lol!

The movie was true to the book, but it was very liberal about it too.

There was but one scene with the girls as kids. The big accident on the first day of school? Didn’t happen. Why Eve went to the big house and got her financial support? Wasn’t explained. But that’s okay.

I still love Benny, wished Eve was featured more. And I think Nan was real pretty. And just like book to film adaptations, I still love the book more. Smile