Between the Covers: Stories from My Bookcase

Friday, December 30, 2011

Christmas Loot

It’s really the youngest in families that get the most Christmas loot. Dearest Amir, for example, had to have two vehicles carry his stuff and his combined birthday and Christmas loot home to Fairview. Yes. He, his parents and their usual baby gear for a weekend stay and Grandma’s, PLUS all the gifts he received, could not fit into their 4-door sedan. Grandpa and Grandma had to load the Rav up and accompany them home. Smile

And what did his pretty Auntie get for Christmas? A grand total of two presents, one from each side of the family.



Nah, I am not complaining. I actually got more presents than expected, even if I didn’t personally hand out a lot of them this year. Truth be told, I am not done with Christmas shopping and gift-giving. I have friends at work that I’d love to give gifts too. At the boyfriend’s suggestion, I plan to get them pesronalized tee shirts. I just have to figure out the best print for each person. This will likely take time. It might even become a Valentine gift already at the rate I’m going. Haha!

What about you, what does your Christmas Day loot look like?