Between the Covers: Stories from My Bookcase

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Holy Week Reading

I received the book Max On Life from BookSneeze maybe over two years ago but I just couldn’t go through the book. I tried, but I couldn’t get past the first chapter. Since I haven’t finished reading the book, I did not feel qualified to review it. Hence, no requests for BookSneeze in a long time. No surprise there when I tried logging in to my account today to find it deactivated.

I had a sudden thought today that perhaps now is the time to read it. Maybe this time I am ready to receive its message. Some books are like that. When I first attempt to conquer it, I don’t feel like continuing. But I pick it up a second, or third time, and its so easy to breeze through. Maybe it’s that kind of a book.

But I don’t really think I’d get any reading done this week. Back pain’s back, with a vengeance. I have a theory on why it’s bad again, but I’m not inclined to share it right now. Haha. Back pain’s just secondary to why I don’t think any reading’s going to happen this weekend. Not even the fact that I have no vacation can keep me from a good book. This here, is the reason:

Photo Mar 28, 5 34 13 PM

Photo Mar 28, 5 44 43 PM

He’s here for the long weekend and I’m pretty sure he’ll keep all of us occupied. Smile

Anyway… I’m also checking out Blog Lovin’ as my Google Reader replacement. So far, so good.

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