Between the Covers: Stories from My Bookcase

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

A Binchy and DPP #41


Last month, Alfred and I discussed getting a brand new laptop so we won’t fight over PC time.  It’s January, a new year, and we’ve almost forgotten about it. We’ve given presents that we both really love, so there’s really no space left for a new laptop. But then I saw this page with reconditioned laptops, and my first thought? Do they carry Ultrabooks?


Saturday was a short day. Alfred went out with the boys on Friday night and ended up finding his way home at past 5 in the morning. Because I had been asleep from Thursday afternoon until the morning of Friday (suffering from migraine), I stayed up too. This meant that we didn’t get up until noon time of Saturday. I missed morning playtime and kisses from my nephew, as well as a date with old friend Joy to visit National Artist Abueva at the NKTI.

As expected after sleeping in, I felt like staying home the entire day. But Alfred had lens to buy, and I'd arranged to still see Joy that afternoon. So off we went. While the boyfriend went ahead to meet the seller, I hung out at Fully Booked – SM The Block.

I had no intention to, but I ended up leaving the store with yet another book:


It was 40% off and I just couldn’t resist.

I also picked up some alpha sets from the scrapbooking section. Those will be for Project Life.

For himself, Alfred also picked up a photography tips magazine as well as the latest issue of the Digital Photographer Philippines (image source):


Looking forward to read my new book, but it will likely go at the bottom of my TBR. Might sneak a peek at the magazine too, been awhile since I skimmed through a DPP ish.

Oh, and while on the subject of photography, please take time to respond to this post.